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10 Best addiction recovery in Australia
Best Choice
01New Harbinger24% OffShow moreOn AmazonThe Food Addiction Recovery Workbook: How to Manage Cravings, Reduce Stress, and Stop Hating Your Body
- 02New Harbinger PublicationsShow moreOn Amazon
The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook: Changing Addictive Behaviors Using CBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing Techniques (New Harbinger Self-help Workbooks)
Best Value
03Althea Press54% OffShow moreOn AmazonThe Addiction Recovery Workbook: Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Every Day
- 04PicadorShow moreOn Amazon
RECOVERY: Freedom from Our Addictions
- 05UHVShow moreOn Amazon
Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction
- 06Independently publishedShow moreOn Amazon
The Addiction Recovery Journal: 366 Days of Transformation, Writing & Reflection
- 07Independently publishedShow moreOn Amazon
Addiction Recovery Skills to Rewire the Brain: A Mindful Workbook to Understand Addiction, Stop Unhealthy Behaviors, Manage Cravings, and Prevent Relapse to Start Living a Mentally Healthy Life
- 08HATHERLEIGH PRE20% OffShow moreOn Amazon
Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction and Recovery
- 09ADSAQOPShow moreOn Amazon
Staying Sober Without God: The Practical 12 Steps to Long-Term Recovery from Alcoholism and Addictions
- 10Visualize PublishingShow moreOn Amazon
Understanding Addiction: Know Science, No Stigma