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Why Small Rodents Should Be Prevented From Attacking Your Pets and Children

Camilo Heliodoro

When looking for the right snake repellent you should think about some of the common tips in buying the proper product. This can be by far one of the most important things that you need to know about when getting rid of snakes. A lot of people are not aware of how to get started with a successful snake repellent campaign. There are many different types of repellers available on the market. Each has its own unique way to keep snakes away. Here are some of the types of snake repellent that you might want to consider:

Overall best overall snake repellent (non-chemical and chemical options) -This is the type of snake repellent that is rated as the best overall for keeping snakes away. The main factor that makes this product so great is that it is easy to apply, works great outdoors, and can handle both large and small rodents. It is easy to apply with a paint brush. Recommended repellers for homeowners with an outdoor yard. Out of all the snake repellent reviewed, we liked the Ortho Snake B Gone because it's a very humane, eco-friendly option for homeowners with an outdoor yard. The low cost makes it practical for a homeowner with an outdoor yard.

Mothballs -This is another great, environmentally safe, and highly recommended snake repellent. This is one of those products that will do more than keep snakes away, but will also deter other pests as well. Mothballs were originally designed to kill off termites, but they have been proven to be effective against other pests as well. This is especially true when you apply the repellent around your plants, gardens, or even around your pets. Recommended for outside use only.

Serpentsucker -This snake repellent reviewed offers a great alternative to chemicals and pesticides. When mixed with oils, the ingredients will penetrate into the wood and carpet giving the carpet or hardwood a sticky coating that sticks to the surface. Once applied, these ingredients will stay on your furniture, flooring, and everything else you place in the room. Some other good ingredients to look for are green oil (a natural deterrent), citronella oil, and orange oil. All three of these ingredients work on mosquitoes and other crawling insects like mosquitoes. These ingredients also repel flies, mosquitoes, and chiggers.

Rodentsucker - If you want to take this snake repellent a step further you can double the dose and apply it around your outdoor garden. Like the other products we have mentioned, this product will not only repel rodents but also protect your plants from damage from insects and other pests. Since it contains many of the same active ingredients, you will still get the protection you are looking for. This is best for keeping squirrels, mice, and other small animals away from your food sources like your vegetables and fruits.

Liquid Snake Repellents - This option for snake repellent takes it one step further than just using chemicals. This type of product will cover all of the areas of your yard that you do not want snakes to go into. The liquid repelling agent will dry up after one application and not leave any residue behind. Most of these products are composed of organic materials which means they are safe for children and pets. Some of the ingredients that are contained in this type of product can irritate your skin and even cause redness or itching. It is recommended that you test a small area before applying the spray on your yard.

Natural Snake Repellents - While most of these ingredients can be found already in a typical product, there are a few new ingredients being introduced lately that are safer to use. For example, instead of containing a chemical, companies are starting to include natural ingredients like green tea and aloe in their snake repellent products. Green tea has been used for centuries in Asia to help prevent skin damage from the sun. Aloe is also a natural product that can repel many insects. Both of these ingredients are safe for both humans and animals.

Ultrasonic Bug Zappers - With the increase of technology and the decrease of budgets has come the decrease of bug zappers. While snakes may not be as scared of an ultrasound as of the other types of devices, they can still be deterred. This is because ultrasound emits a frequency that cannot be heard by humans but will be heard by snakes. This frequency can bring bothersome vibrations in the snakes head and body. When they hear this vibration they become less afraid of you and more likely to go away from your presence. These devices are very effective in keeping small rodents away from your home and even your pets.